Lady Juanita P. Henson
Lady Juanita P. Henson, is the Director of the Prayer Warriors Ministry. When we think of the Lord being a Warrior, we can only conclude that He fights for His people. There are no limits as to what our God will do to secure our freedom from this world of sin. We are the witnesses and recipients of His work at Calvary as the ultimate demonstration of His grace and mercy. Since He has saved us, He challenges us to fight with the same level of intensity as we declare “Good New” to a fallen world. One of our major tools is the power of prayer.
As Prayer Warriors, we stand on the principle that the prayers of a person who has been redeemed and declared righteous by the shed blood of Christ are powerful and effective.
I thank my God for this gifted group of people who stay in constant readiness to do spiritual warfare when any event, issue or concern comes up that requires fasting and prayer.