Tapping into The Riches
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
Too often, when we see the word “riches”, we think things, stuff and material come-up. Some hold their faith in check by the things they have and the status that they maintain. But what is the Paul talking about here? “And my God will meet all your needs…” “Supply all your needs” as one translation puts it? I think that we confuse needs with wants or wishes. To be real, what do we really need to make it, to survive, to be successful for the living of these days?
In the context of this writing Paul had needs for his ministry. Out of all of the churches, the Philippian Church stood out as exceptional in meeting his need to do ministry. In severe trails their overflowing joy wells up in rich generosity (2 Corinthians 8:2). In other words, when Paul had a deal-breaking need, this church raised up for him and gave what he needed out of their poverty and suffering to see his ministry succeed. Paul cannot pay them back, so he’s trusting that the Lord would reciprocate their generosity by meeting their every need.
Just like us, they needed mercy. They needed The Lord God to step in, to move in their circumstances, their trials and severe persecution. They needed hope that the attack from the enemy would subside so they could get on with their lives. They needed normalcy! Like us, they need to tap into an immeasurable source of power that would never run out. They need the glorious riches in Christ Jesus. In essence, Paul is saying, “I cannot pay you back, but I know what you need.”
Our Lord once said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Watch this, that’s how we tap into the riches, not by seeking to gain the riches of the world; not by seeking power for personal gain; not by having bragging rights because we have gained material things, but by assessing our real need and by still having sensitivity for the pain of others. And to never allow the pain and suffering of our situation to render us ineffective in meeting someone else’s need.
There can be no greater time than now for the Church to show the abundance of God‘s riches. Call someone, reach someone and tell them about the riches of grace and mercy. Proclaim Christ to those family members would not go to church with you, but now they are locked in with you, the Church. Tell them what they really need and that He who is able will meet their every need. He will make replete, furnish, imbue, make complete, perfect and fulfill all that is needed for them to have a quality, intimate relationship with the Creator of the whole world.
Dr. Bennie T. Henson, Sr., Pastor
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